2023年是中国加入《东南亚友好合作条约》(The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, TAC)20周年。该条约是由东盟创始成员国于1976年制订的一项基础性和平条约。作为东盟基础性政治文件,《东南亚友好合作条约》宗旨和原则同联合国宪章宗旨、和平共处五项原则、万隆精神高度一致,体现了亚洲方式和亚洲智慧,共同构建了以东盟为中心、普遍认可的地区规则秩序。
2003年10月8日,中国正式加入《东南亚友好合作条约》。中方在各大国中第一个加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,第一个与东盟建立战略伙伴关系。这不仅是双方关系史上的里程碑,对整个地区也具有重要意义。在中国加入《东南亚友好合作条约》二十周年之际,原中国驻英国大使傅莹接受中国日报社专访,分享了她对于中国-东盟关系和南海问题等话题的看法。美国南海政策的逐渐蜕变傅莹指出,二战后美国对中国确立南海诸岛主权是支持和认可的,但是随着国际格局的演变,美国的南海政策逐渐发生变化,退步成“保持中立”,乃至“选边站队”,公然介入南海争议。After World War II the US extended its support and recognition for China’s sovereignty over islands of the South China Sea. Nonetheless, as the international situation changed, US policy concerning the South China Sea gradually altered, regressing into “maintaining neutrality”, or even “choosing sides”, flagrantly intervening in disputes relating to the South China Sea, noted Fu Ying.傅莹称,中国和东盟国家应当立足地区和平稳定与互利合作的大局,恪守《南海各方行为宣言》精神,尊重公认的国际法和协商一致、照顾各方舒适度等“东盟方式”,有效管控分歧和争议,警惕和抵制任何损害地区合作氛围和危害和平稳定的企图和做法,从而将南海真正建设成为“和平之海、友谊之海、合作之海”。China and ASEAN countries should adhere to the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, respect well recognized international law and the ASEAN way of consensus building and accommodating each other’s comfort level, and effectively manage differences and disputes based on regional peace and stability and mutually beneficial cooperation, Fu Ying told China Daily. All parties should stay vigilant and resist any anything that jeopardizes collaboration, peace and stability in this region and protect the freedom and safety of navigation. They must work together to truly build the South China Sea into “a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation”, she said.把中国树成标靶推行“印太战略”不得人心傅莹表示,美国把中国树成战略竞争的标靶,推行以遏制、围堵中国为目标的“印太战略”,要把本地区重新推入冷战对抗的深渊,为此盘算着如何拉拢、利用中小国家牵制、打压竞争对手。这种战略设计不得人心,也很危险,思维还停留在冷战的历史旧时代。The US has made China a target of strategic competition and is pursuing its so-called Indo-Pacific strategy, the goal being to contain and encircle China. The US is pushing the region back into the abyss of Cold War confrontation, working out how to divide the regional security order into blocs, how to draw in and exploit small and medium-sized countries to restrain and suppress competitors. This strategy reflects an outdated Cold War mentality that is dangerous and runs counter to the will of people, she told China Daily.
傅莹强调,中国坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的政策,不要求东盟国家在中美矛盾中选边站队。我们也相信,东盟国家有主见、有能力坚守自己的外交原则和在区域合作与地区安全框架建设中的中心地位,不会愿意做被一个大国利用来损害另一个大国的事。She noted that China upholds its policy of neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and does not require ASEAN countries to choose between China and the US. At the same time, we believe ASEAN countries have their own views and are capable of adhering to their own diplomatic principles and their “central role” in building regional collaboration and regional security frameworks. We also believe ASEAN countries are unwilling to be manipulated by one major power to harm the other.《东南亚友好合作条约》20年见证中国这个好邻居好伙伴傅莹指出,中国于2003年在各大国当中率先加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,彼此合作迈上新台阶, 这不仅是中国与东盟关系发展进程中的里程碑事件,也在本地区乃至世界上产生了重大积极影响。China is the first among major countries to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in 2003 and establish a strategic partnership with the ASEAN. This is not only a milestone in China-ASEAN relations but also an event of great significance for the whole region, said Fu Ying.傅莹表示,中国加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,扫清了主要的政治障碍和信任赤字,为双方关系迈入 “黄金20年”提供了重要动力。“China’s accession to the Treaty cleared major political hurdles and trust deficits, providing an important impetus for the relationship to move into a golden 20 years,” Fu Ying told China Daily.她称,这20年足以证明中国过去是、现在是、将来也永远是东盟的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。The two decades since China’s accession to the TAC prove that China has been and will always be a good neighbor, friend and partner to Southeast Asia, she said.
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