比利时前首相伊夫·莱特姆 (Yves Leterme) 日前做客中国观察智库与中国日报新媒体联合推出的《连线·全球政要访谈》节目。他表示,当前世界需要多边、务实的治理体系,促进共同治理、共享权力,而非意识形态对抗。欧盟应加强战略自主,在捍卫自己利益的同时,对中国保持开放态度。他同时呼吁中欧应拓展合作空间,在经贸、科技、人文等多领域、多元化发展伙伴关系。
Reality is, most of the times, different to what we dream as politicians, but my vision would be that we could, step by step, try to put aside this as much as possible -- this kind of balance of power approach, where you have a rising antagonism of US and some countries that follow the US, and then a new to-form bloc with China in the lead, where you have a rising antagonism, artificially fueled by, for instance, putting into the one against the others, the so-called ideal governance of democracies versus autocracies, or free market versus state-run economies. Actually, the reality today is much more complex, needs much more pragmatic, rather than ideologically-driven solutions.
And to come to your question, I would really plead for a more pluralistic approach.
I'm sure that there are lots of countries that are preferring to have a nonaligned position than just to join one of the two sides. And I think that Chinese leadership, and also sometimes in wording at least, the American leadership, have phrased positions that are open to share power and to have a kind of multilateral pluralistic approach to world governance, to global governance. I think this is the right way to have a pluralistic and less balance of power approach, less two-sides antagonism approach.
I hope that the narrative that was put forward by the European Union through the voice of Mrs von der Leyen and Borrell could also tender this to say we will just not be a junior partner of the US, to which we are very loyal in terms of our security needs, of course, and we share lots of things with the US in terms of values and views on society. But let's be open to other systems of governance, other approaches. And so when it comes to position of the EU, let's develop our own position and be part of the pluralistic.
For instance, G20-based global governance, where also upcoming powers like Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia, India could play a very important role in sharing governance, in sharing power and in sharing solutions. We will have, one of the next years, I think it's 2024, we have Brazilian leadership, the chairmanship of the G20, I think that's potentially an important moment.
Last element, I see those who are important in order to install a more pluralistic governance. I see it as a good sign that you have now this New Development Bank, that you have other currencies, trying to offer an alternative to world trade and markets to the dollar. So I think sharing governance, shared power is better than this kind of antagonism between two blocs.
I think to be fair and open, I think we lost some years now. It is time now to come to a new way of thinking and the European Commission has put proposals on the table. There are some good conversations going on. I would say, referring to an earlier response, that the European Union should, of course, defend its own interests. Foreign policy is much more about interest than about values, but defend its own interests, but should also, like it has been in the past successfully doing, we should be open to China, improve trades, improve scientific research cooperation, exchanges.
I would hope that once we have better defined what we call our security interests -- fair enough, you have to defend them like China does and like the US and other countries do -- once we have defined them that we find sufficient space, vast space for cooperation.
Last element, I think that a country is more than its structures, institutions and leadership -- it's about people. It's about improving the possibilities for people to exchange, companies, scientists, students, even families, tourism can help. And I would hope that between China and the EU, we continue to invest in these direct exchanges.
图片来源:新华社 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP相关知识
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