nonononono是什么歌 nonononono歌曲
So excited
You put your silk stocking on to make you nice
You are black you are red you woo
So excited
You site along the barrel of the gun
To your left your right
Shoot her she is dangerous
Shoot her she is crazy
Shot her she is a trouble
Shoot her she is crazy
No no no no no no no no
Don’t you cry you
No no no Betty Boom
No no no no no no no no
Don’t you cry
I’ll close your mouth and change your mind
I see the taxi going
And I see her
I want get her get her
But they don’t like her
I see the taxi going
And I need her
I want to tell you a story about the girl
And they do everything to stop me
Shoot her she is dangerous
Shoot her she is crazy
Shot her she is a trouble
Shoot her she is crazy
No no no no no no no no
Don’t you cry you
No no no Betty Boom
No no no no no no no no
Don’t you cry
I’ll close your mouth and change your mind
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- 1李沁肖战已同居领证? 李沁肖 47928
- 2闫妮老公邹伟平简历 闫妮前 43158
- 3王凯蒋欣承认已有一子? 结 38813
- 4王灿前夫 王灿的第一任老公 36175
- 5汪希玥回北京过年,怎料见到汪 32170
- 6张佳宁和宋轶长得像 同属甜美 25314
- 7央视主持孙小梅丈夫曝光,是大 20260
- 860年代,洪秀柱(右后)与父 19568
- 9佟丽娅事件是什么 佟丽娅回应 19032
- 10妻子频繁出轨老外,没想到被丈 18705