红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨长沙报道
In the singing of the famous singer Song Zuying, we can feel the passion of Guzhang people for Guzhang Tea.
“Just pick the top young leaf with the new sprout of tender shoot -- half kilo of such fresh leaves can only make 100 grams of tea”. In Guzhang County, Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, everything related to spring seems to do with tea.
The deep passion for tea is hidden in the craftsmanship of the tea master. Having the fresh tea leaves stir-fried at high temperature is most essential in the processing of Guzhang Tea. After three rounds of stir-frying, the tea leaves are taken out of the hot iron pan and get cooled before they are ready to serve. Till this point, Guzhang Tea, which is fragrant, rich in flavor and resistant to brewing, is finally produced.
The deep passion for tea is nourished in the tips of the green tea trees. To make Guzhang Maojian Tea, the young leaf with the new sprout of tender shoot at the tips of the tea trees are picked. After being stir-fried, it has the characteristics of being “tight and straight, thin and slender, mellow and full”. Have a cup of the fresh green tea, you’ll find your mouth full of the tea fragrance.
The deep passion for tea is shared in every cup of Guzhang Tea. Whether served in down pitching method or slow brewing, Guzhang Maojian Tea has a unique purity and a distinct fragrance that only belong to it.
In Guzhang, a cup of spring tea is a welcome courtesy to the guests, and it also reveals the deep passion of Guzhang people for tea.
请喝一杯信阳茶(新时代 新征程 新伟业)
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